Monday, November 16, 2009

More Christmas fun...

So I have been having fun making little Christmas planners and covering little list pads. Here are a few of the outcomes....

Here is one of my favorites...the picture is kinda is brown and green...

Snowflakes seem to be my favorite..

Christmas Cards...

So I am trying to figure out which one to use....and I don't think I am done playing around just yet. I also discovered a new store....archivers....NOT GOOD! That store is awesome. I think I had heard of it but I finally went is super fun!!

Happy Friend Cards....

Bit of an update....

So it isn't that I have not been in my craft is that I am a BAD blogger. My small camera broke, well the battery doesn't work, ordered a battery, doesn't keep a charge, ordered a new battery. I didn't realize how much I use it I guess!

Anyway, here are some of the things I have been working on for fall. I must say that Fall and Thanksgiving are really getting lost in the rush for Christmas!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Yeah Something NEW!!!

It took me awhile! It has been kind of a crazy fall. But it is time for a VERY IMPORTANT Birthday! Addison will be two!! Here are the photos of her birthday announcements! I had fun doing them but it got to be a bit more involved than I thought they would be. I think they turned out okay...what do you think??

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fun time in the craft room!!!

So lately I have had a chance to spend some time in my craft room. Here is a sampling of what has come out. I would love to know what you think!!! I am excited to be making some fall cards!!

Ciao Ciao!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Pirate Invites!

Okay Draft 1

What do you think?  I didn't have a lot to work with but just found another stamp set at I might have to give it another go! 

Andrea what do you think???  

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Congrats Card!!

Here is the card to go with the other stuff....I had some Jolees stickers so I used those and in the background is watermarked "WFD" (Willmar Fire Department). It turned out okay I think. Thanks Case for the help!!

Monday, July 13, 2009


So my Dad is retiring after 20 years of service to the Willmar Fire are the decorations!! I made them on my cricut!! It is the COOLEST!! These little dodads are going to go on kebab sticks and be in little steal pails of fun!!!!

I can't take the credit for the fire truck....I found the "pattern" on this cricut web site! I hope you enjoy!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Quick Little Project

I have found that I LOVE to make these little notebook holders. They are fun, quick and super easy. Here is the most recent one! It is a gift for a friend (I am sure you know who you are...sorry I spoiled the surprise:)) This particular notebook came from Hobby Lobby (Addi's favorite store to talk about "obbylobby")
That is all for now..Wishing you all a happy week!!!

Inside folders...

Hey good to hear from you! Here is the picture that you requested of the inside folders! Basically what I did was take a 81/2 X11 and trim it down, fold it, sticky strip the bottom, cut an angle and use the punch from stampin up...super easy! I forgot to mention that it has a cute little bookmark with a jingle bell on the bottom!! Geez, I am already getting excited for Christmas!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Christmas in July!!

Hey there! This is a book that I have been working on recently. I can't believe that I am doing something Christmas themed before November but least this way I can use it!! And I saw the paper at Hobby Lobby and was inspired! It is a holiday shopping planner! I bought the book at Michaels ($1) and recovered it. I made little folders for the inside to hold gift receipts and such. I thought it turned out pretty cute!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Coffee Time!

So when isn't it a good time for some coffee? I LOVE coffee and now when it is hot, iced coffee of course! Here is my latest coffee card!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


So I created another blog to talk about paper. We have our family blog but that one is all about Addi. So now I have a new outlet to babble all I want about paper!!